Newton Game Dynamics 1.5 C++ wrapper issue...

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Betreff: Newton Game Dynamics 1.5 C++ wrapper issue...

BeitragSo, Sep 08, 2024 10:51
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Hello, I am having trouble adding vehicles to my custom Newton Wrapper for Blitz3D. Could anyone assist me with this? German language is okay, I can translate it to English (I am not so good at writing Deutsche Sprache, sorry!.

Here is the link to my C++ wrapper project, it's similar to itmbin's wrapper, as I am using it for reference.

Heres the link to the Newton SDK version 1.53:

My current issue is that, when I add tire torque, nothing is applied... Also there are some orientation issues, some 90 degree offsets are required for some odd reason.

Bitte helfnen sie mich, Ich weis nichts warum est macht dieses bug...
Danke Schön!

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