TerrainY auf Entity anwenden möglich ?

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Betreff: TerrainY auf Entity anwenden möglich ?

BeitragDo, Dez 03, 2009 21:16
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seit langem habe ich mal wieder angefangen mich mit Bltz3D zu beschäftigen.
Habe soeben wieder einen alten SourceCode gefunden wozu ich eine Frage hätte.
Mich interessiert ob das Verfahren auch auf ein Entity anstelle eines Terrains angewendet werden kann, da mir die anpassung zum "Boden" sehr gut gefällt. Könnte man diesen Code so umschreiben das er auf Entitys reagiert ? Wenn ja mit welchen Befehlen müsste ich da arbeiten ? LinePick ?
TerrainY bestimmt ja die aktuelle höhe des Terrains, aber wie könnte ich dieses umschreiben für ein Entity ?
Hat jemand Ideen ?

Wäre sehr dankbar !

(Ihr müsst lediglich ein Entity als car festlegen)

; my car test - Phil Jones
; a look at calculating vehicle pitch and roll (on a terrain) without
; child/pivot entities

;set up screen,light & camera
Graphics3D 800,600,16
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
light = CreateLight(1)

;create terrain
terrain = LoadTerrain("heightmap_256.bmp")
TerrainDetail terrain, 3000, True

ScaleEntity terrain, 50,1000,50
PositionEntity terrain,-200,0,-200
terraintex = LoadTexture("boden.bmp")

ScaleTexture terraintex,.4,.4
TerrainShading terrain,1
EntityTexture terrain,terraintex

;create car/plane/tank whatever and centre it local co-ords
car = LoadMesh("car.3ds")
ScaleMesh car,100,100,100

carlength# = MeshDepth#(car)/2 ; get length from centre to front of car
carwidth# = MeshWidth#(car)/2 ; get length from centre to left or right of car
carheight# = MeshHeight#(car)/2: ; get height from centre To top Or bottom of car
meshh = MeshHeight#(car)/2
FitMesh car, 0-carwidth,0,0-carlength,carwidth*2,carheight*2,carlength*2; just some general recentring to have car sit on plane

pitch# = 0
x# = 200
y# = 600
z# = 480
speed# = 0

frontheight#=0 ; height of terrain at midpoint front of vehicle
backheight#=0 ; height of terrain at midpoint back of vehicle
leftheight#=0 ; height of terrain at midpoint left side of vehicle
rightheight#=0 ; height of terrain at midpoint right side of vehicle
th# = 0 ; height of terrain at centre of vehicle (this will averaged from front/back/left/right)

PositionEntity car,x,y,z ; set up initial pos of car and camera
;RotateEntity car,0,180,0,1

;these are just for visual ref - not needed in calculation of rotations
pop = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity pop,5,400,5
pfront = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity pfront,5,5,5
pback = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity pback,5,5,5
pleft = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity pleft,5,5,5
pright = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity pright,5,5,5

;setup camera
camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera ,300,350,100
PointEntity camera ,car
CameraRange camera,1,900000

;MAIN LOOP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

While Not KeyHit(1)

; get current location and overall height of car
x# = EntityX (car)
z# = EntityZ (car)
y# = EntityY (car)

; check for keypress to alter car speed (A,Z)
speed = speed -.5*(KeyDown(208) And speed > -10 ) + .5*(KeyDown(200) And speed < 10 )

; check for keypress to turn car left/right
turn = (KeyDown(203)) - (KeyDown(205))
TurnEntity car,0,turn,0
yaw# = EntityYaw(car)

; CALCULATE PITCH/ROLL ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;work out terrainheights at front/back/left/right of car
anglenew# = yaw -90  ; what must be added to yaw to calculate front of vehicle's global x,z co-ords
xnew# = x+Cos(anglenew)*carlength
znew# = z+Sin(anglenew)*carlength
frontheight# = TerrainY(terrain,xnew,y,znew); get the height at new x,y,z
PositionEntity pfront,xnew,frontheight,znew ; a visual marker only - not neccessary for calculations

anglenew# = yaw +90 ; what must be added to yaw to calculate back of vehicle's global x,z co-ords
xnew# = x+Cos(anglenew)*carlength
znew# = z+Sin(anglenew)*carlength
backheight = TerrainY(terrain,xnew,y,znew)
PositionEntity pback,xnew,backheight,znew

anglenew# = yaw  ; what must be added to yaw to calculate midleft of vehicle's global x,z co-ords
xnew# = x+Cos(anglenew)*carwidth
znew# = z+Sin(anglenew)*carwidth
Leftheight = TerrainY(terrain,xnew,y,znew)
PositionEntity pleft,xnew,leftheight,znew

anglenew# = yaw + 180 ; what must be added to yaw to calculate midright of vehicle's global x,z co-ords
xnew# = x+Cos(anglenew)*carwidth
znew# = z+Sin(anglenew)*carwidth
rightheight = TerrainY(terrain,xnew,y,znew)
PositionEntity pright,xnew,rightheight,znew

pitchx# = carlength*2 ; need complete length of car for x
pitchy# = (backheight - frontheight); the height dif between the front and rear of car
pitch = ATan2(pitchx,pitchy); atan2 will return the angle from 0,0 to x,y

rollx# = carwidth*2
rolly# = (rightheight - leftheight) ; the height dif between the left and right of car
roll# = ATan2(rollx,rolly); atan2 will return the angle from 0,0 to x,y

RotateEntity car, pitch-90,yaw,roll-90 ; rotate car with offsets to adjust Atan2's calculation

th=(frontheight+backheight+leftheight+rightheight)/4; get average of terrain heights for cars overall height
PositionEntity car,x,th,z ; adjust car height
MoveEntity car,0,0,speed

PositionEntity pop,x,th,z ; this is just a central axis 'pole' to help see rotation angles
RotateEntity pop,pitch-90,yaw,roll-90

PositionEntity camera , x+400,y+300,z+200
PointEntity camera,car




BeitragDo, Dez 03, 2009 21:17
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Ja, LinePick ist dafür glaube ich das richtige.
Desktop: Intel Pentium 4 2650 Mhz, 2 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 3850 512 MB, Windows XP
Notebook: Intel Core i7 720 QM 1.6 Ghz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, nVidia 230M GT, Windows 7


BeitragDo, Dez 03, 2009 21:25
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Nicdel hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Ja, LinePick ist dafür glaube ich das richtige.

So wie ich das sehe müsste ich TerrainY in diesem Code irgendwie ersetzen, damit es auf ein
Entity reagiert, Problem ist nur das ich nicht wirklich einen Ansatz finde wie ich LinePick umsetzen kann...

Hätte da jemand noch eine Idee ?


BeitragDo, Dez 03, 2009 21:53
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im englischen forum ist glaub ich eine funktion dafür

sonst schreib mir ne pm

mfg SYSThern
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